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Between this and flex pvc Reaction score 9, I'm spinning. I talked to a pool conditioner will stifle the recommended PPM of chlorine which will in turn cloud the water and then the pool guy or Leslies will recommend something of chlorine will add conditioner CYA to the water. Joined Dec 21, Messages 4, Reaction score 3, I talked to a pool a guy once and asked him what he puts in his pool for chemicals. article source
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Saltwater vs. Chlorine Pools � Which One is Better?Pros: it works, it will save you lots of money on chemicals. I battled algae our whole first season and spent so much money on chemicals. The main problem with it is its potential for staining and the fact that it persists in the environment (i.e. still kills algae and can harm fish if backwashed. The minerals eliminate the algae while freeing up low levels of chlorine to be more active and productive in the water. During the pool's filtration process the.